Friday, 29 April 2011

Sumatra Mandheling Beans

The famous Sumatra Mandheling. On the right side are the fresh green Mandheling beans.  On the left is the roasted batch at City+.  See the difference not only in colour but also the size and texture of the beans.

Monday, 25 April 2011

Toraja Coffee

True Toraja Coffee Beans
Roasted some Toraja beans from Sulawesi over the weekend.  This is one of the better coffee you can get hold of. Done two batches, medium roast (city) & medium-dark roast (full city).  Personally I like the darker roast better as it gives more body without losing much the coffee aroma & chocolately fragrance.

Picture here is taken before the roast using my phone. The beans displayed a reddish brown colour.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Introducing Ethiopia YIrgacheffee

From the birthplace of coffee, this coffee is bright, light to medium body.

A bit of winy and notes of citrus that stimulates the taste buds. I found that Yir that is left for 2 weeks (or longer) tends to exhibit a stronger aroma that those that are freshly roasted.  Interesting, try it.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Have you seen a coffee mug made of beans ?

 Can this be considered hand-crafted coffee beans ?     Coffee Art by Sherlene Ng.

She said this is work of art, more like some outputs from a bored 10 year old. 

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Coffee Roasting Machine

This is a coffee roasting machine for industrial use. It is about the size of a mid-size sedan !

Lady roaster operating one of the roasting machine during the final stages of roasting.